I LOVE this book! Picked up from my local library this week, it caught my eye because it is a Kwame Alexander book, plus the cover is so colourful and inviting. The art is done by Ekua Holmes (who has become an person of interest).
Not only is the art colourful, it has texture (I found myself running my hands across the pages expecting to feel something different, lumps and bumps and fabric, tissue paper, moss), the different applications throughout the book complementing each poem and poet featured. I have always loved an artist that applies different mediums to achieve that rich look that is fascinating to look at and fun to figure out how it was done.
The poems themselves (homages to different poets) were like love notes to them, honoring their styles and showing a respect and admiration of each poet's work. At the back of the book is a short biography of each poet featured. I feel really lucky to have been able to read this wonderful book.