More than watching the television coverage and seeing first hand accounts by people on the news and on Oprah, this book has made a profound impact on my understanding of this tragedy. The abruptness of her account, the fear, the numbness, it tells more about what happened, describes it better than any news story ever could have.
This was a really hard book to read. I would attempt a few pages every couple of days just to try and limit my exposure to Sonali’s pain and misery. I know that what I felt was a mere shadow of her very real pain, and that just provoked my feelings of compassion almost to the breaking point (and quite often tearfully beyond). I am so profoundly sorry for her loss and her suffering.
I made myself watch some footage on Youtube previously to reading this book, I wanted a true image in my mind not one from my imagination, I felt I owed the author that. I have only heard of one or two personal accounts from this tragedy, but nothing as graphic as this story which left me feeling raw and very in the moment. I’m glad she shared this experience, and think that it should be one of those books that must be read, because of her honesty. She held nothing back, told it all, left nothing to the imagination, and I think it is one of those life stories that should be shared and remembered.
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