Monday, February 4, 2013


Talking about my travels, I next went to Vietnam.  I have been there several times before and have a better understanding of this country than I did of the Japanese... though not as much as I should.  I studied Asian Social Studies for three years when I was in highschool, and I don't seem to remember too well the cultural aspects of Vietnam (though the poilitical stuck rather well).
Ru was one of the books up for the Giller prize last year so I was fortunate to get this in my Christmas stocking (DH likes to buy one or two for me every year).  I basically read it in one sitting, I didn't want to put it down.  They were short stories, memories of life in Vietnam, escaping by boat and a few experiences in Canada.  I love to be able to look through someone elses eyes, especially an immigrants
( I have some empathy there) and this was something new.  If I ever got the chance to meet the author I would tell her how grateful I am that she shared such stories with us.  True life can, at times, be very rewarding and enlightening, so the sharing of personal history is a gift. 

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